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Text File
154 lines
Begin Form Form1
Caption = "File Association Example"
ClientHeight = 1470
ClientLeft = 1695
ClientTop = 3390
ClientWidth = 5430
Height = 1875
Icon = 0
Left = 1635
LinkTopic = "Form1"
ScaleHeight = 1470
ScaleWidth = 5430
Top = 3045
Width = 5550
Begin Label Label2
Height = 315
Left = 480
TabIndex = 1
Top = 285
Width = 4440
Begin Label Label1
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
Height = 285
Left = 420
TabIndex = 0
Top = 870
Width = 4560
DefInt A-Z
' Registration Database (REG.DAT) functions.
' (Requires Windows 3.1+, or 3.0 with SHELL.DLL.)
Declare Function RegCloseKey& Lib "Shell.dll" (ByVal hkey&)
Declare Function RegCreateKey& Lib "Shell.dll" (ByVal hkey&, ByVal lpszSubKey$, lphKey&)
Declare Function RegDeleteKey& Lib "Shell.dll" (ByVal hkey&, ByVal lpszSubKey$)
Declare Function RegOpenKey& Lib "Shell.dll" (ByVal hkey&, ByVal lpszSubKey$, lphKey&)
Declare Function RegQueryValue& Lib "Shell.dll" (ByVal hkey&, ByVal lpszSubKey$, ByVal lpszValue$, dwLength&)
Declare Function RegSetValue& Lib "Shell.dll" (ByVal hkey&, ByVal lpszSubKey$, ByVal fdwType&, ByVal lpszValue$, ByVal dwLength&)
' Private initialization file (.INI) functions.
Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString% Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpAppName$, ByVal lpKeyName$, ByVal lpDefault$, ByVal lpRetString$, ByVal nSize%, ByVal lpFileName$)
Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString% Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpAppName$, ByVal lpKeyName$, ByVal lpString As Any, ByVal lpFileName$)
''' Written by Lou A. Moccia (thescree@aol.com), 10/94.
''' Released "as-is" and shared freely with all fellow
''' VB-WIN programmers.
''' The REG.DAT code presented here was worked out through
''' a bit of trial-and-error, because I could not find this
''' info for VB anywhere, not even that popular "guide to
''' the Windows API" book for VB. I do have to give some
''' credit to the Windows SDK Help file included with VB3,
''' however shame on Microsoft for only providing dreaded
''' C examples!
''' Anyway, I hope you find this code useful!
Sub Form_Load ()
Extension$ = "TXT"
Label2.Caption = "Current association for """ & Extension$ & """ files:"
Label1.Caption = Get_Association$(Extension$)
End Sub
' Returns the association for the specified file extension. The Registration
' Database (REG.DAT) file is accessed first by a file utility like File Manager
' when it attempts to launch a document file, so here REG.DAT is checked for the
' association first. If nothing is found there, then the [Extensions] section
' of the WIN.INI file is checked.
' Extension$ = The file extension to check for an association.
' Sample form: "txt"
' Do not include a period before the extension.
' Returns: The full association string, or an empty string if not found.
' Sample return from REG.DAT: "c:\windows\notepad.exe %1"
' Sample return from WIN.INI: "c:\windows\notepad.exe ^.txt"
' It will be up to you to parse off the %1 or ^.xxx part if desired.
Function Get_Association$ (Extension$)
Get_Association$ = ""
Ext$ = "." & Extension$
tmp$ = Space$(256)
cb& = Len(tmp$)
On Error Resume Next
r& = RegOpenKey(1, Ext$, lphKey&)
If r& = 0& Then
r1& = RegQueryValue(lphKey&, "shell\open\command", tmp$, cb&)
' If no error and the length of the returned string is greater than 1 (a null
' is always returned), get the string up to the null and trim it.
If r1& = 0& And cb& > 1 Then Get_Association$ = Trim$(Left$(tmp$, cb& - 1))
r1& = RegCloseKey(lphKey&)
ret% = GetPrivateProfileString("Extensions", Extension$, "", tmp$, Len(tmp$), "WIN.INI")
' If the returned string is greater than 5 (the end part ^.xxx),
' get the string and trim it.
If ret% > 5 Then Get_Association$ = Trim$(Left$(tmp$, ret%))
End If
End Function
' Updates an association in the Registration Database (REG.DAT) file and
' in the [Extensions] section of the WIN.INI file for the specified file
' extension, just like File Manager does.
' Extension$ = The file extension to associate or disassociate.
' Sample form: "txt"
' Do not include a period before the extension.
' Application$ = To associate, the application command.
' Sample form: "c:\windows\notepad.exe"
' To disassociate, an empty string.
' Description$ = Optional description of the file extension, used
' in REG.DAT. Really only useful to yourself.
' Sample text: "Text Files"
' Empty string for no description.
' If does not matter if the association already exists or not.
Sub Set_Association (Extension$, Application$, Description$)
Ext$ = "." & Extension$
If Len(Application$) = 0 Then
ret% = WritePrivateProfileString("Extensions", Extension$, 0&, "WIN.INI")
r& = RegOpenKey(1, "", lphKey&)
If r& = 0& Then r1& = RegDeleteKey(lphKey&, Ext$)
Association$ = Application$ & " ^." & Extension$
ret% = WritePrivateProfileString("Extensions", Extension$, Association$, "WIN.INI")
r& = RegCreateKey(1, Ext$, lphKey&)
If r& = 0& Then
r1& = RegSetValue(lphKey&, "", 1, Description$, 0&)
Association$ = Application$ & " %1"
r1& = RegSetValue(lphKey&, "shell\open\command", 1, Association$, 256&)
End If
End If
If r& = 0& Then r1& = RegCloseKey(lphKey&)
End Sub